Dear Mrs. LaRue 4.4.1
obedience Newspaper title: Local Dog Enters Obedience School
obedience school
at my wit’s end “I was at my wit’s end!” said Mrs. LaRue.
mistreated From Ike: I am being horribly mistreated.
warden The way my warden barks orders is shocking.
ill I hate to tell you this, but I am really ill.
risks Is it really wise to take risks with one’s health?
appreciated How sad it is not to be appreciated!
desperate Such is the life of a desperate outlaw.
escape Headline: LaRue Escapes Doggy Detention
bluffing “To be honest, I thought he was bluffing when he told me that he was planning to escape,” said Mrs. LaRue.
endured You would scarcely believe the misery I’ve endured.
misunderstood Your misunderstood friend, Ike
neglected Apparently she neglected to look both ways before stepping into traffic.
Discussion before reading: Can there be two sides to a story? Suggested readings: What are the two sides of this story?
Discussion before reading Have you ever told a story one way, but someone else told it a different way? Sometimes when we tell a story, we might exaggerate. How it happened: How I remember:
Exaggerating When we exaggerate, we tell a story as BIGGER or BETTER than it really was.
Discussion after reading: Can there be two sides to a story? Does Ike believe that he is suffering more than he really is? Which