Catalyst for software success™ BEAM™ Overview
Most software projects fail for two reasons: Inaccurate, inflexible design Users uninvolved Users overly-influential Communication gap between users and designers Undisciplined development Redundant coding Inconsistent coding Difficult maintenance.
Ideal Systems: Catalyst for software success™ BEAM™ Training – Design it right Common language for users and developers Understandable and verifiable by users Disciplined, consistent, flexible for developers zTools™ Technology – Build it right Minimal coding Consistent methodology Simple application maintenance.
Design Your “Dream Home” Roles Owner Architect Builder Tools Conversations Drawings Models Floor Plans Blueprints.
Design Your “Dream Application” Roles Owner → User Architect → Designer Builder → Developer Tools Conversations → Interviews Drawings → UI Mock-Ups Models → Data Models Floor Plans → Diagrams Blueprints → Scripts.
BEAM: Business Events Analysis & Modeling™ Discuss Casual yet focused interview method Common, natural language Design Precise, disciplined results Verified with representative samples Document BEAM Application model (DB & UI) BEST Diagram (event flow & scope) SQL Scripts (schema & metadata).
BEAM Courses BEAM Introduction BEAM Basics BEAM TSS (Transaction Support Systems) BEAM DSS (Decision Support Systems).
BEAM Introduction (0.5 days) Essential for everyone No prerequisites Fundamental concepts Common design language Interviewing methodology Basic application models.
BEAM Basics (1.5 days) For power users, designers & developers Requires BEAM Introduction Special design cases Numerous reinforcing exercises Leverages BEST diagrams.
BEAM TSS (2.0 days) For TSS designers & developers Requires BEAM Introduction & Basics Unique TSS design challenges Advanced specifications Script and generate schema & metadata.
BEAM DSS (2.0 days) For DSS designers & developers Requires BEAM Introduction & Basics Unique DSS design challenges Advanced specifications Data warehousing concepts.
BEAM Benefits Promotes user “buy-in” Efficient, practical process Clear, precise communication Easy to understand and verify Provides fresh perspectives Flexible enough for any industry Platform-independent DB & UI models Flows seamlessly into zTools apps.
Why settle for anything less than ideal?