Sociology Persuasion Essay Your job is to write a paper that researches the reason for Ethnocentrism, through the eyes of a sociologist. To get full points, you will need to use of one of the three sociological perspectives: Symbolic Structuralist Conflict Papers are due on Friday at the beginning of the class hour. If they are not ready, they are considered late. Consider yourself warned!
Details - You will need to answer this question in your writing: “What type of perspective best explains why there is ethnocentrism between cultures?” 3 parts: 1. Explain what the perspective you have chosen is, and what it entails 2. Explain why it is the best perspective and defend your answer with reasons why 3. Give examples of how you see this in your world or the world around you (minimum 2)
Details Worth: 25 points Length: 1-2 pages + Title Page (ALL TYPED) Part 1: 5 points Part 2: 10 points Part 3: 5 points Format/Grammar: 5 points Length: 1-2 pages + Title Page (ALL TYPED) Title Page & Format: must be included as front cover (see Mr. McIntosh's website for format) Due: Work Days (_______/_______/_______)