Creating a Scenario You have been working on the story of the Kip Witches which is set in the 17th C. In this piece of homework you will be expected to create your own drama set in the 16th or 17th C. Task: Scenario Outline Write out a summary of your story below: For each section provide a brief synopsis of what's going to happen, say in three or four sentences, max BEGINNING: the basis of the scenario is set up and the audience discover what they're going to be dealing with. It may be appropriate to set up the twist: wherein some unexpected twist gets thrown into the mix, muddling up what the characters hoped was going to be a straightforward investigation/job. MIDDLE: Climax - wherein the characters finally track down and face off with the scenario's adversary, or deal with the primary crisis directly. END: Denouement - The wrap-up. The characters have dealt with the problem, now they do the cleanup and sometimes get set up for the next session. Write your scenario on the following page.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parental Signature: You have imaginatively completed this task instead of aiming to complete it as quickly as possible. You have used sketches and drawing to exemplify your ideas. You have written in sufficient detail so that your scenario and ideas are clear. You have added extra sheets of paper to allow your thoughts and ideas to be fully explored. Your work is well presented. You are a homework Superstar! Other Comments (strengths and areas for improvement)