Water scarcity and drought


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Presentation transcript:

Water scarcity and drought Didier D’hont Director Groundwater Management

definitions Drought: temporary decrease in water availability due to e.g. rainfall Water scarcity: water demand exceeds the water resources exploitable under sustainable conditions 2

The past 2003 Water directors meeting: first mentioning of water scarcity and drought (WS&D) 2006 Technical document and policy summary on WS&D (drafting group CIS) Mediterranean working group: report on mediterranean specificities and examples in the region Expert Network on Water Scarcity and Drought (CIS) 3

The past 2007 Communication from the Commission to the EP and the Council addressing the challenge of water scarcity and droughts in the EU ENWS&D on WS&D: Technical document “Drought management report, including agricultural, drought indicators and climate change aspects” 4

Drought management report basis for developing, when appropriate, drought management plans complementary to the River Basin management plans, Goal: minimizing the socio-economic and environmental WS&D impacts. Recommendations on strategic, operative and administrative measures to be applied progressively, according to the drought status, which is previously identified through indicator systems. 5

The present Mandate Working Group Water Scarcity & drought 2010-2012 6

Objectives To further analyse and address the list of pending issues Indicators and risk maps Establish drought phases and structural water scarcity, recommend measures to include in the drought management plans minimize WS&D socio-economic and environmental impacts. Analyse the feasibility of the use of European indicator frameworks for regional and local assessments. To function as forum for WS&D issues and, where appropriate, to provide advice on WS&D issues to Water Directors via the Strategic Coordination Group. 7

Tasks Support the definition of commonly accepted indicators for water scarcity and for droughts) in Europe including the demonstration of the added value of these indicators. Exchange information on WS&D in the first river basin management plans. Transfer and exchange experience and expertise with international fora/other regions. Contribute to the development of the European Drought Observatory (EDO) under development at JRC. Support the creation of Drought Risk Maps, through commonly agreed methodology and scales. Support the development of a progressive integration of WS&D aspects under WISE, on voluntary basis. Link WS&D policies and strategies with research initiatives, especially within the FP7 framework (e.g. XEROCHORE project) and promote the use of appropriate technological tools. This can be done in close collaboration with the future SPI ad hoc activity. 8

Deliverables A set of indicators, previously assessed by Member States and endorsed by Water Directors. The possibility to integrate on a voluntary basis some WS&D data and information under WISE potential contributions to the European Drought Observatory (EDO) at JRC. the possible support to the development of drought risk maps in Member states. Maps obtained through common agreed indicators and methodologies that will allow implementing the DMP recommended measures. Recurrent task: take into account RBMPs aspects related to WS&D, research activities and their results, as well as useful technological tools 9

Results 2010 first set of indicators to be tested in the pilot member states contributions to EDO. Presentation of initial results in the International Conference “Droughts and water scarcity: the way towards adaptation to climate change”, Madrid, Spain, 18-19 February 2010. 10

Results 2011-2012 2011: Practical application of indicators for additional member states voluntarily; contributions to EDO potential contribution to the development of an integration of WS&D aspects under WISE on a voluntary basis. 2012: Support the creation of Drought Risk Maps and assessment, contributions to EDO. 11

Fact sheets on SPI (standardised precipitation index) fAPAR (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation) Snow pack SRI (standardised runoff index) and soil moisture Groundwater WEI + (water exploitation index) 12

Factsheet Groundwater 13



Link to other CIS groups Working Group Reporting and WISE: provide specific data for the WS&D Temporary Expert Group “Agriculture and Water” (basis already available on the DMP report): analysis of measures that could be used to address WS&D. Temporary Expert Group “Climate change and water”: contributions to links between climate change effects and water scarcity and droughts issues (analysis of the PoM, White Paper follow-up etc.). Working Group C Groundwater: expertise when addressing specific measures to prevent and mitigate WS&D impacts in aquifers (e.g. specific control networks to avoid over-exploitation). workshop on Environmental Objective and Exemptions: contributions to the common understanding of prolonged droughts and its application (basis already available on Annex III of the Exemptions guidance); Measures to apply under exceptional circumstances. SPI ad hoc activity: identification of and support to research needs on WS&D issues. Exchange of expertise with the Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean related activities. 16

Working group C expertise when addressing specific measures to prevent and mitigate WS&D impacts in aquifers (e.g. specific control networks to avoid over-exploitation). How to take into account CC in waterscarcity and drought indicators? assessment and implementation of drought management plans 17

Burning question When, oh when, do we “officially” say that a country, region, … has a drought or has water scarcity???? How to evaluate the effects of CC? When and how do we communicate the drought or water scarcity? How to explain this to politics? 18