State or Reserved Powers Regulate Trade w/in the state 2. License Prof. 3. Regulate Marriage & Divorce 4. Make Traffic Regulations 5. Regulate the sale Of Alcohol 6. Regulate Gambling Shared or Concurrent Powers Enforce Laws Punish criminals Collect taxes Establish a court system National or Exclusive Powers 1. Make Treaties 2. Collect import taxes 3. Regulate interstate Commerce 4. Declare War 5. Coin Money 6. Punish Counterfeiters 7. Fix standard weights 8. Naturalize Citizens 9. Create Post Offices Raise an Army Grant Copyrights
Federalism: Division of Power between ________________ & ______________ Make Treaties, Collect import taxes, Regulate trade, Regulate interstate, Commerce, Declare War, Coin Money Make traffic regulations, Punish Counterfeiters, License Professionals, Fix standard weights, Enforce Laws, Naturalize Citizens, Create Post Offices, Regulate trade w/in the state, Raise an Army, Regulate Gambling, Grant Copyrights, Make Marriage/Divorce laws, Punish , Regulate the sale of Alcohol Criminals, Collect taxes, Establish a court system