Linear vs. Exponential growth Continues to grow at faster and faster rates (J-shaped curve) Linear Growth Steady growth (straight line) This is the type of growth seen in populations
Limiting Factors Limiting Factors: biotic and abiotic factors that limit growth and reproduction Could populations continue to grow exponentially? Examples: sunlight, climate, temperature, water, food, space, competition with other organisms
Carrying Capacity Instead of growing forever, populations level out at a certain point because of limiting factors. L i m i t i n g F a c t o r s Exponential Growth Population Time
Carrying Capacity The maximum number of organisms that an environment can support is called the carrying capacity L i m i t i n g F a c t o r s Exponential Growth Carrying Capacity Population Time
Natural Population Growth
Carrying Capacity
Unrestricted Growth
Invasive Species-Kudzu
Japanese Beetle-NOT a Ladybug