Solicitous Induce Loathsome Disdain Pedantry Derivative Esteem The Taming of the Shrew Vocabulary Test #1 Solicitous Induce Loathsome Disdain Pedantry Derivative Esteem Collaborate
TotS Vocab Test #2 wanton balm dulcet submissive reverence husbanded warrant diligence obeisance usurp
TotS Vocab Test #3 1. homage 2. abate 3. transmutation 4. shrill 5. beguiled 6. entreat 7. malady 8. congealed 9. melancholy 10. mirth 11. gambol 12. grave 13. ingenious 14. virtuous 15. stoic
TotS Vocab Test #3 1. homage 2. transmutation 3. shrill 4. beguiled 5. entreat 6. malady 7. congealed 8. mirth 9. virtuous 10. stoic TotS Vocab Test #3
TotS Vocab set #4 quench din balk broached rhetoric distinguished metaphysics affable bestow perused commune largess chide jade pith
TotS Vocab Test #4 quench din distinguished affable rhetoric perused largess jade chide bestow TotS Vocab Test #4
TotS Vocab Test #2 Bestow -to voice disapproval. Communal -to open up for the first time. Conceit -to grant or give. Confound -something that comes from another thing. Collaborate -to intimidate or dismay. Clamor -believing on slight evidence, gullible. Chide -to cause to group or community. Congeal -to solidify or to become confused. Broach -pertaining to a coagulate. Daunt -to work together. Credulous -loud noise or shouting. Derivative -excessively high opinion of one’s own worth or ability.