September 25th – October 5th: October 30th- November 3rd: Important Dates: September 4th: Labor Day (No School) September 11th: Patriot’s Day September 13th-15th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Half-day Dismissal at 11:45) September 21st: Parent Coffee September 25th – October 5th: Benchmark Testing October 2nd: Family Engagement visit OMA (11 A.M.-12:30 P.M.) October 4th: Fall Picture Day October 6th: End of 1st Quarter/Grading Day October 9th-13th: Fall Break October 16th: 2nd Quarter Begins October 30th- November 3rd: Spirit Week 5th Grade News! Teacher: Mrs. Dwivedi Website: This Week: September 5th to September 8th: Important: Parent-teacher Conferences are next week! Please make sure to mark the top 3 times that work for you. The sooner they are submitted back, the more likely you will get your top choice. Thank you! Thank you for checking out our Friday folders. This is just one more way to keep in contact with me and be aware of your child’s progress each week. A thumb’s up stamp was used to show a student’s success in one or more areas. Vocabulary Words: biosphere biohazard biodiversity biodegradable biography circuit circulate circus circumnavigate circumvent This week in the classroom: Reading: comparing texts from the same genre Writing: Caitlin becomes a superhero, how does that change the story? Math: place value, multiplying/dividing decimals, powers of 10 Science: Solar system: Exploring the Planets In Depth Social Studies: Competing for North American Resources Behavior: Tiger Expectations: Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible