Islamic Slave Trade
1. The rise and spread of Islam around the 8th century AD. 2. Slaves were exported from East Africa and across the Sahara in N. Africa. 3. Slaves taken to SW Asia (Ottoman Empire) and across the Indian Ocean. 4. Male slaves usually served in the Islamic armies. 5. Female slaves usually were domestic help – house servants and concubines 6. Boys were castrated and served as eunuchs and harem guards (3 out of 4 died).
9. Slaves was not hereditary. 7. Slaves were treated better than in the Americas and often considered family members. 8. Females slaves exported over men two to one. 9. Slaves was not hereditary. 10. About 2.5 million slaves exported from East and North Africa. (Some estimates go as high as 20-25 million) 11. Slavery lasted longer than in the Americas – until the early 20th century. 12. It was against Islamic law (shari’a) to enslave a fellow Muslim or any “person of the book”.