EGN 1935 Sadbot Alex Hu Artem Iryshkov
Contents Biographies Story Conclusions
Alex Hu Freshman Electrical Engineering Learned about robots and signals. Probably won't affect my future Goals: take classes and hopefully pass Not sure about career plans Words of wisdom: save your code and check your sensors.
Artem Iryshkov Freshman Electrical Engineering The basics of signals and systems and the basics of ICs Understanding the basics helps with later advanced courses that don't give a quick review of said basics Go through the combined degree program for EE Get into either electronics work, or professional automotive tuning Words of wisdom: save your code in several places!
Robot Story Sadbot goes to work. Sadbot hits traffic and takes a detour. Sadbot makes way through maze for another day of miserable work.
Story Details Sadbot goes to work. On its way to work, it encounters a traffic jam. Sadbot decided that the best solution was to take a detour. It turns out that the detour is a very confusing maze. Sadbot attempts to go through the maze with its limited AI. Sadbot is able to avoid hitting the wall and going completely off course. That may be a success in itself, but Sadbot wonders, "Why can't my developers just give me the ability to fly?" Sadbot then gets to work.
Conclusions There are limitations of using a pre-written program to code the robot. It is important to have a basic understanding of how the robot works and how the robot receives commands. Readable code saves a lot of troubleshooting time.
Words of wisdom Check your hardware before using it (sensors, wheels, motor). Save your code. Format your code into something readable. Do not panic if something goes wrong. Check to see if code is functioning properly. Did we mention that you should save your code?