Quarter 4 Project
Intro-to be done as a group Common motivating factor Explanation of common motivating factor Background information Quote that explains factor *Note- Do not necessarily need ALL of this, but should have a few bullet points that help explain your factor
Quarter 1 Character from Wonder Nonfiction Character Paragraph that explains how this person perseveres because of your common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support Paragraph that explains how character from a nonfiction source overcomes an article because of common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support
Quarter 2 Character from Night or Hitler Youth Nonfiction Character Paragraph that explains how this person perseveres because of your common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support Paragraph that explains how character from a nonfiction source overcomes an article because of common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support
Quarter 3 Character from Short Stories Nonfiction Character Paragraph that explains how this person perseveres because of your common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support Paragraph that explains how character from a nonfiction source overcomes an article because of common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support
Quarter 4 Character from Miracle Worker Nonfiction Character Paragraph that explains how this person perseveres because of your common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support Paragraph that explains how character from a nonfiction source overcomes an article because of common motivating factor Evidence from the text to support