Find your teenagers diagram, we will watch the rest of the documentary first. H/W: Finish revision children/teenagers.
NHS Write the title ‘NHS’ at the top. Read and Highlight. On the back add: p446 what the Beveridge Report, 1942 recommended. Write down the acts of p447 p448-9 Make spider diagrams of impact of NHS/on women/on children – just write down solid evidence.
What overall impact did the NHS have?
How do I answer the big source Q? Lesson Aim: To be able to confidently answer the 12 marker. TASK: Mini whiteboards – how do we structure these types of Q? Are you surprised by source E? How far does source D show source A to be wrong? What is the message of this source?
How do I structure the big source Q? Agree with the statement: In some ways the sources support the view that…..(view in Q)…… Disagree with the statement: On the other hand, other sources do not support that…..(view in Q)…… Conclusion: Overall, to a large/small extent the source do/do not support…..(view in Q)……. Linking sources: Like source A, source D also shows……. Aims: To refer to most if not all sources – Aim for 3 per paragraph. Try to use at least 3 bits of own knowledge also.
Draw the table below – complete with source quotes/own knowledge. Support view Against view