Wednesday November 6, 2013 Morning Work Monday January 13, 2014 Good Morning class! Please get yourselves settled and grab your journal and a pencil to begin your morning work! Morning Work
LA Morning Work Affixes, Base Words, Roots Descriptive/Figurative Language “The once calm river, now ferocious after the storm, thrashes like an angry animal. Why does the author compare the river to an angry animal in the sentence above? The river is dangerous The river is mad The river is big The river is growling Affixes, Base Words, Roots During the Boston Tea party era, many store owners were forced the buy expensive tax stamps from the British. Expenses Experiment Inexperience offensive
MATH Morning Work Estimate then find the actual 2/8 + 8/10 4/5 + 5/10 Diego and Luke shared a pizza. Diego ate 2/3 of the pizza. Luke ate ¼. How much pizza is left?
Science Morning Work What must occur before clouds can form? A Water vapor must get warmer. B Water vapor must lose heat energy. C Precipitation must begin to fall and run off. D Transpiration must add water vapor to the atmosphere. EXPLAIN WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!