Emily Red Fox
Scientific Name Vulpes Vulpes
Weight It weighs 6 to 31 pounds
Length It can be 21/2 to 5 feet
Height It can grow up to 14 to 18 inch.
Number of new born It can have 4 to 7 new born
Life span It can live up to about 10 years
Diet type The diet type is an omnivor
Sample foods Birds, rabbits, rodents, and live stock
Name of female The female name of a Red Fox is a Vixen
Name of young The name of a Red Fox’s young is called cub or a kit.
Name of group The name of the group is called a leash or if you want you can call the group a skulk
Body temperature The body temperature is warm-blooded.
Body covering The body covering is hair.
Concveration status The Red Fox has least concern