Transport in Plants
By the end of the class you should be able to: understand that the xylem transports water and minerals in the plant Understand that the phloem transports food around the plant
Photosynthesis Plants make their own food using photosynthesis. Photosynthesis happens in the leaves of a plant.
Transport of food around the plant Plants need to transport the food made in the leaves around the whole plant. The food is carried in vessels called Phloem vessels. The food is carried to the stem, the roots and the flowers of the plant.
Transport of water and minerals The roots of a plant absorb water and minerals from the soil. The water and minerals then move up through the plant in vessels called xylem vessels.
Experiment 1: What happens to the plants with the flowers? Set up the plant like in the picture. Put oil over the water to stop it evaporating away. Measure the level of the water and leave for a few days.. What happens to it?
Experiment 2: What happens to the celery?
What happens to the celery? Result =
When water reaches the leaves of the plant it will evaporate through the tiny holes in the leaves called stomata. The loss of water vapour from a plant is called transpiration
The transpiration stream The flow of water from the roots to the leaves is called the transpiration stream
Experiment 3: What happens to this plant? Tie a plastic bag around the plant so that all the leaves are covered. Leave for one day and then see what happens.
The result….
Can you… show the path of water through plant tissue? Remember what vessel transports water and minerals in the plant? Tell what vessel transports food around the plant?