Day 4, 8/15 FCHS.


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Presentation transcript:

Day 4, 8/15 FCHS

forms -Turn in plagiarism forms & syllabi to the tray! -Tomorrow is the last day to turn them in for full credit (Friday, 8/16).

Agenda -Take 20 mins & correct the “grammar rules” sheet with a partner. - entation/d/1JBKrAs8HKbfskdoTSKdq73vlOx8 RgwRScUfq6njUq3g/edit#slide=id.p -Analyze & evaluate student sample work (if time permits).

Homework -Syllabus & plagiarism forms are due tomorrow (Friday, 8/16)! -Juniors: Writing Test is Sept. 25th. -Diagnostic Writing (2 days) = double quiz grade Day 1: Prewriting, rough draft (pencil/pen) Day 2: Final draft (pen only)