2 November 2015 Ms. Smith CCR English 10 Act 1.5 Group Work 2 November 2015 Ms. Smith CCR English 10 I can read and comprehend complex literary texts independently and proficiently. Thou Art A loathed lumpish horn-beast! OR He/She Art A loathed lumpish horn-beast!
Prefix Basic Meaning Example co- together Coauthor de- away, off; reversal/removal Defrost dis- not, not any Discomfort inter- between, among Interject non- not Nonessential post- after Postwar pre- before Preexist re- again; back, backward Rebuild sub- under Submarine trans- across, beyond, through Transatlantic
Twelfth night Act 1.5 Maria Clown Olivia Malvolio Sir Toby Viola
Act 1.5 Malvolio Clown Olivia Viola “Cesario” Duke Orsino Servant of Head Servant of Clown Jester of Olivia Viola “Cesario” Duke Orsino Servant of
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