Words are Fun! He didn't tell his mother that he had eaten the glue. His lips were sealed.


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Presentation transcript:

Words are Fun! He didn't tell his mother that he had eaten the glue. His lips were sealed.

Isle of Ely Parent Share Session: Thursday 7th March Developing Reading Isle of Ely Parent Share Session: Thursday 7th March

WhY is reading so important? “If children leave my school and can’t paint that’s a pity but if they leave and can’t read that’s a disaster.” Head teacher quoted in Rose (2008, p42)

WhY is reading so important? Numerous international research studies have found that the most important factor in academic success was the amount of time pupils spend reading – not whether books, magazines, newspapers, websites and so on, but that they were actually reading. This research also showed the amount of time spent reading books specifically was the most profitable in the increase of academic success.

At Isle of Ely Primary, we firmly believe that ‘Words Are Power’. The more words a person knows, potentially the better their life chances could be.

Lots of jokes are based upon word play… Words are powerful! Lots of jokes are based upon word play… The man who recently fell into an upholstery machine is now fully recovered.

Vocabulary Knowledge Listening comprehension depends on knowledge of words. The meanings of individual words contribute to the meanings of sentences and therefore to understanding. Females tend to master language more quickly than males. Women use around 7,000 words a day, whereas men use about 2,000.

Vocabulary Knowledge After the age of five, oral conversation is a much less effective way of developing vocabulary knowledge. Reading and teaching of words, phrases, metaphor and idiom takes over at this point. These are key elements in developing written language.

The Importance of Reading slim bandy munching buckle prance elegant bold

eric by Shaun Tan foreign, pronounce, pantry, cultural, intensity, excursions, exasperating, speculation, unresolved ‘I could be a local expert, a fountain of interesting facts and opinions.’

Words Are Fun! I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but I knew eventually it would come back to me.

Reading for Pleasure My child says reading is ‘boring’! There are many reasons why this may be the case, including: The child has not yet been taught the ‘basic skills’ needed to read. The child has not yet found the ‘right book’ to ‘hook’ them into reading. The child is reading books that are too difficult, therefore reading is hard work with little reward. The child has not yet been able to apply the reading skills they have learnt into ‘real-time’ reading. The child sees reading as ‘uncool’. The child has little experience of role models in reading, be it at home or elsewhere.

Reading For Pleasure Develop an ethos and an environment that excites, enthuses, inspires and values reading Use high quality texts with depth and interest in story, character, illustration, vocabulary, structure and subject matter Read aloud Be knowledgeable about children’s literature Understand the importance of illustration in reading both in terms of creating a text and responding to a text Use drama and role play to help children to understand and access texts

Reading Strategies Search for something you know e.g. igh, ay Look for similarities Use the first phoneme and cross check with the picture Read to the end and think what fits Rereading the sentence Reading with fluency Identify phonemes and then blend Chunk Analogy Find words within words

Key elements of the full profile of successful reading are: Decoding Recognising sight words Reading groups of words as phrases Responding to punctuation Predicting the meaning of certain words they do not already know Inferring the meaning of a word or phrase Keeping a constant check on what has been read to check it made sense

Key elements of the full profile of successful reading are: Making connections to other books or prior knowledge in order to deduce and infer successfully Thinking about the character’s feelings / thoughts / actions ‘Visualising’ what has been read in order to comprehend better Questioning’ what has been read in order to comprehend better

Key elements of the full profile of successful reading are: Deducing information from clues the author has given in order to ‘complete’ what has been read Inferring what the author meant in a particular situation by activating prior knowledge and combining this information with words from the author to make meaning Critiquing and evaluating what has been read

READ share, discuss, question and ENJOY! Key Message READ share, discuss, question and ENJOY!