Learning Styles Orange Gold Blue Green (Active) (Interactive) (Structured) Blue (Interactive) Green (Independent) An active hands-on learner. Likes a participating learning activity. Sometimes considered hyperactive student with excessive energy. A structured learner who does best in an orderly classroom environment Expects to have clear instructions & will follow rules easily. An interactive learner who does best when in communicative interactive groups. Very responsive to people related learning activities. An independent learner who prefers learning more abstract principles. Likes research & independent study. Learning Styles
Orange- Reframed (changes negative to positive and helps to value diversity) Orange Shadow Side Irresponsible Flaky Wishy-washy Not serious Disobeying rules Slippery, not to be trusted Orange Reframed Fun loving, enjoys life Spontaneous Flexible Carefree Problem-solvers Good negotiators
Gold – Reframing (changes negative to positive and helps to value diversity) Gold Shadow Side Rigid Controlling Dull, Boring Stubborn Opinionated System bound Not creative Gold Reframing Stable Providing stability Dependable Firm Always have a view Efficient Realistic
Blue-Reframing (changes negative to positive and helps to value diversity) Blue Shadow Side Over emotional Bleeding heart Mushy Flaky, unrealistic Hopelessly naïve Too tenderhearted A pushover, weak Too “touch-feely” Blue Reframed Warm Caring, compassionate Romantic Creative Idealistic People person Unselfish Comfortable, express with touch
Green - Reframing (changes negative to positive and helps to value diversity) Green Shadow Side Arrogant Heartless Ruthless Unrealistic Think they are superior Don’t care about people Emotionally controlled Eccentric, weird, nerds Green Reframed Right a remarkable percent of time Tough minded, logical Powerful Creative, visionary Avoid things they don’t excel at Efficient, don’t show emotions Original, unique