agenda *Film Clip Friday : Whiplash * Vocab Pic Quiz 8 *Othello - Read Scene iii of Act III - Practice writing about Othello (claim) HW: Finish Act III
Reminders 3/2/18 Vocab Unit 8 Picture Quiz –today, 3/2 Next Othello Quiz – Wednesday, 3/7
Film Clip #2: Analyzing Author’s Choices (character) Film Clip: Whiplash (2014) Reading Strategy: See/Hear/Feel/Believe How does the sound of the drums function in this scene? What mood is established in the scene? How? What does the director establish about each character?
Vocab pic quiz 8
othello Read Act III, Scene iii
Othello: Read Act III Sticky Note Response for Act III One sticky note will have the answers to 2 questions (What surprised you in this Act? And What was confirmed for you in this act?) One sticky note will focus on either Othello, Iago or another character AND have either a question, comment, or quote w/brief note