TILED DATA RECONSTRUCTION AND CORRECTION -Madhumitha Reddy -Supraja Reddy -Dinesh Kumar Reddy
INTRODUCTION Stitch and align sequence of images. Techniques used: Grid stitching Linear blending
Using Tilen
IMPLEMENTATION Image Processing Methodology ->Image acquisition Process of retrieving images. ->Image stitching Stitching is performed by sliding the new image over the composite image and finding the best cross- correlation point.
IMPLEMENTATION Image Merging using linear blending Linear blend operator g(x)=(1-n) f0(x)+nf1(x)
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Drosophila larval nervous system Drosophila melanogaster pupae
REFERENCES http://fly.mpi-cbg.de/~preibisch/stitching.html http://fiji.sc/Stitching_2D/3D#Stitch_Grid_of_Images https://github.com/search?q=stitching+images+using+i magej&type=Code&ref=searchresults http://www.lmsc.ethz.ch/Teaching/ipss_2010/TM_3_ Olaf