Parts of the Atom Physics 3
Bohr Model of the Atom
Where are the neutron, proton and electron located? Protons and Neutrons= Nucleus Electrons= Electron Orbital/Cloud
Differences in Size The electron is much lighter in comparison to the proton thus they are free to transfer between objects Also they are located on the outer boundary of the atom
Law of Attractive Forces Likes Repel (- and -) (+ and +) Opposites Attract (- and +)
Electrification By Contact (EBC) Contact is required Electrons are transferred between objects PROTONS DO NOT MOVE!!!
Induction Contact is not made Electrons do not transfer Electrons move away while protons are left behind
Balloon With Hair Balloon is Rubbed on the head Balloon become negative while hair is positive Opposites attract Induction or EBC?
Balloon with Paper Balloon is charged by EBC Balloon has a – charge Neutral paper is attracted to Balloon Induction or EBC?
Lightning - charge builds at bottom of cloud Induces a positive charge on the ground Attraction!!! If your hair stands up on a stormy day….RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! LIGHTNING IS ABOUT TO STRIKE! Thunder is caused by the expansion and contraction of air…
Aluminum Can - Balloon (charged by EBC) is brought near a pop can Can is attracted to balloon Induction or EBC?
Van De Graff with Hair Van De Graff builds a negative charge by the rubber belt When you touch it you become negative All your hair is negative and it repells each other Note: You cannot be grounded. Why???
Balloon on Wall Balloon is charged by EBC Balloon is negative Sticks to neutral wall because electrons move away and protons are left behind Induction or EBC?
Balloon with H20 Balloon is charged by EBC Stream of water is attracted to the balloon Induction or EBC?
What is a Conductor? Material that allows electrons to flow freely Examples include common metals like Copper, Iron, Nickel, etc. EBC- whole object is charged Induction- side closest to object is charged
What is an Insulator An object that does not allow electricity to flow freely through it Examples include rubber, plastic, wood, etc. EBC- only the part that touched is charged Induction- only part closest to charged object is charged
Triboelectric Series Shows if an object likes to gain or lose electrons
Grounding Providing a path to the ground so charges can balance out safely