Bellwork Directions: 1) Copy the sentence. 2) Correct the errors in the sentence. 3) Underline the words or phrases that provide clues to the meaning of the word in bold. 4) Come up with a definition for the word in bold. Loquacious students often get in trouble however quiet students that rarely speak rarely get in trouble. *When you’re done with the sentence, free write for the remainder of the warm-up session.*
Activator With your tablemates, create a Biopoem about William Bradford. For lines 2-8, create footnotes with textual evidence.
Today’s Assignments Introduce/explain Bradford vs. Smith essay Fill in Bradford side of chart This is your opinion – but you must back it up with evidence
Notes on the Iroquois Constitution Onondaga (14 Lords) = Executive Branch Adodarhoh, Firekeepers Mohawk (9 Lords) + Seneca (8 Lords) = Senate Cayuga (10 Lords) + Oneida (9 Lords) = HOR Clan mothers = Judicial Confederate Lords/Grand Council = Overall government