The History of Political Parties in the United States
From his Farewell Address: Warned against Entangling Alliances, Political Parties, and Sectionalism George Washington - Federalist ideology
Jefferson- Anti-Federalist Hamilton – Federalist
Thomas Jefferson vs. AlexanderHamilton * Born poor /illegitimate. * Desired strong central government led by an aristocracy. * Industrial society – Urban, large cities. * Admired Great Britain. * Free labor – no slavery. * Loose interpretation of the Constitution. * “Man is basically evil, needs to be controlled by a strong government.” * Supported creation of Bank of US. * Born Wealthy. * Favored common man. * Supported a republic and a weak national government. * Agrarian Society, rural, small farms. * Favored France. * Slave owner / Hated slavery. * Strict interpretation of the Constitution. * Man is basically good. * “ A government governs best, which governs least.” * Opposed Bank of US.
Andrew Jackson- Democrat Elected in 1828
Abraham Lincoln – Republican Elected in 1860
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Democrat 1932-1945
Republican Presidents Since Dwight D Republican Presidents Since Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–1961) Richard Nixon (1969–1974) Gerald Ford (1974–1977) Ronald Reagan (1981–1989) George H. W. Bush (1989–1993) George W. Bush (2001–2009) (6) Democratic Presidents since 1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945) Harry S. Truman (1945–1953) John F. Kennedy (1961–1963) Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969) Jimmy Carter (1977–1981) Bill Clinton (1993–2001) Barack Obama (2009–present) (6)
Third Parties- Parties supported by people who dislike the policies of both the Republicans and Democrats.