Histology Practice Exam Human Anatomy
1. Identify this specific tissue?
2. Identify this tissue between the arrows .
3. Identify this tissue at the arrow and the organ its from.
4. Identify this specific tissue.
5. Identify this tissue between the arrows.
6. Identify this tissue between the arrows.
7. Identify this tissue between the arrows and the organ .
8. Identify this tissue and state the organ its from.
9. Identify this tissue type.
10. Identify the cell type at the arrow and the tissue type. High power Medium power
11. Identify the thin darker stained fiber at the arrow and the tissue type.
12. Identify the space at the arrow.
13. Identify the stratum at the arrow.
14. Identify the region at number 1.
15. Identify the sub-layer at number 2.
15. Identify the entire structure at number 1.
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