Acknowledgement of Country “We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.”
Scott Darlow performance – week 3:
Indigenous people die 14 years younger than any other demographic group due to suicide and preventable illnesses 70 per cent of the kids in jail are indigenous people even through we make up only 2.5 per cent of the population A lot of the kids reoffend to get back into prison because prison life is better than their life outside 70 per cent of the broader society finish year 12 so that they go on and do university. Only 4.5 per cent of indigenous people finish year 12
"We were discovered by Captain Cook in 1770 "We were discovered by Captain Cook in 1770. They settled in the country in 1778. They believed at that time according to the theory of evolution that a black person is an animal. So when Captain Cook got off the boat, he declared this country to be Terra Nullius (Uninhabited Country). They looked around and said there's only plants and animals here. In fact that was written into our constitution in 1901 - they classified indigenous people as being flora and fauna. That is plants and animals. That didn't change until 1967."
"In World War 2 Aboriginal soldiers fought for and served this country "In World War 2 Aboriginal soldiers fought for and served this country. When they came home they saw every other soldier not only getting medals, but houses as war heroes. But the Aboriginal soldiers didn't get anything, in fact many of them weren't even welcome in the serviceman's clubs to have a drink with those they fought alongside."
"What we have to start doing is educating people about history "What we have to start doing is educating people about history. Because history gives context and context leads to empathy. Empathy leads to our stories being shared and then we can become one people again."
Forgiveness L U T E
Forgiveness Love U T E
Forgiveness Love Understanding T E
Forgiveness Love Understanding Tolerance E
Forgiveness Love Understanding Tolerance Empathy