revision PowerPoint By Nicole Davidson
Cloud computing and storage The term “cloud” is often used as a metaphor for the internet Cloud computing means using computer services on another organisations computers, which are known as hosts The services are provided by organisations known as host companies Some well known hosting companies for cloud computing are: Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Rackspace. Cloud users can access software, data and storage on the host computers, which will be a remote location. Users do this through a web browser or mobile app, without ever directly accessing the servers the information is stored on.
Cloud storage Cloud storage is related to cloud computing- it is where only the storage, access and retrieval facilities are provided by the host provider, often via the internet
Reliability of the network Potentially lower performance © The advantages and concerns of cloud storage Cost and convenience You only have to pay for the storage that you have used you don’t have to provide and maintain the hardware locally Availability (B) Data files may be available anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection Cloud computing and storage Reliability of the network You need to be able to get through the host to access and process data Security of data © As the files are being stored by the host, you have no control over them. You need to be aware of their security terms and policies Software (B) The host might not be using the latest, fastest and most secure version Potentially lower performance © The speed of the retrieval of data may be slower than it would be on a local database held in house
Key terms Cloud computing- this when a computer uses services provided by another organisations computer system. Servers- a computer hardware system acts as a host for other computers on the same network. Cloud storage- this is when a computers storage, access and retrieval facilities are hosted by another computer system.