Geometry Shapes
Identifying specific shapes
Triangle A triangle is made up of 3 straight sides and 3 angles 1 2 3
Quadrilateral 1 A quadrilateral is a four sided figure with straight sides. 4 2 3
Pentagons A pentagon is a plane figure with 5 straight sides and 5 angles. 1 2 5 3 A pentagon has many different shapes, don’t forget that it can have only 5 sides and 5 angles 4
Hexagons A hexagon is a plane figure with 6 straight sides and six angles. 1 6 2 5 3 A hexagon has many different shapes, don’t forget it can only have 6 sides and 6 angles 4
Cubes A symmetrical 3 dimensional shape, it can be either solid or hollow, contained by six equal squares. How many Squares do you see?
Identify the shapes “Pop Quiz” 1 Hexagon Triangle 2 Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon 3 Triangle Quadrilateral 4 Pentagon Pay attention to sides and angles
Identifying quantities of squares How many squares in all Do you see? 12
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