Horticulture II Plant ID Week 6
HIPPEASTRUM cv. Amaryllis Indoors ANNUAL; Outdoors PERENNIAL Stratification Required Bulb H: 2-3’ W: Ground Cover Sun - Part Shade
HIPPEASTRUM cv. Amaryllis Arrangement and composition: Basal and Simple Shape Linear Length 16-24” Width 2” Margin Entire Veins Parallel
HIPPEASTRUM cv. Amaryllis Flower Trumpet Shaped 6” Across Red-White-Pink Fruit Green pod to 1” in length and 1/2” diameter
HIPPEASTRUM cv. Amaryllis Large Bulb
CHAMAEDOREA ELEGANS Parlor Palm Indoor Perennial; Outdoor Annual Shrub Growth Habit H: 1 ½ - 5’ W: 1-3’ Part Shade - Shade
CHAMAEDOREA ELEGANS Parlor Palm Arrangement and composition: Basal becoming alternate and compound Shape Linear Length 6’ Width 2’ Leaflets 8” long Margin Entire Veins Parallel
CHAMAEDOREA ELEGANS Parlor Palm Flower Yellow Fruit Insignificant
CRASSULA OVATA Jade Plant Indoors- perennial; Outdoors- annual Shrub-like Height 10” - 3’ Width 10” – 3’ Sun – Part Shade
CRASSULA OVATA Jade Plant Arrangement and composition: Opposite and Simple Shape Succulent Length 1½ ” Width 1” Margin Entire Veins NA
CRASSULA OVATA Jade Plant Flower Pink-White Fruit Inconspicuous
ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS Snapdragon Cool-Season annual bedding plant Groundcover Growth Habit Height: 12-20” Width: 6” Sun - Part Shade
ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS Snapdragon Arrangement and composition: Opposite and Simple Shape Ovate Length 1-3” Width ¼ - 5/8 ” Margin Entire Veins Pinnate
ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS Snapdragon Flower Spring All but blue Fruit Capsule
ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS Snapdragon Only one vein - midrib Flower is a terminal spike opening from the bottom up
ASPARAGUS SETACEUS Plume Asparagus Fern Indoors- perennial; Outdoors- annual Shrub-like Growth Habit Height: 2’ Width: 2’ Part Shade
ASPARAGUS SETACEUS Plume Asparagus Fern Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Compound Shape Linear Length ¼ ” Hair-like Margin Entire Veins Parallel
ASPARAGUS SETACEUS Plume Asparagus Fern Flower White Fruit Red Berry
ASPARAGUS SETACEUS Plume Asparagus Fern Leaves are hairlike Stems have thorns
DIZYGOTHECA ELEGANTISSIMA ‘CASTOR’ False Aralia Indoors- perennial; Outdoors- annual Tree Growth Habit Height: 15’ Width: 3’ Part Shade
DIZYGOTHECA ELEGANTISSIMA ‘CASTOR’ False Aralia Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Palmately Compound Shape Linear Length 4 – 5” Width 3-4” Margin Bluntly Serrated Veins Pinnate
DIZYGOTHECA ELEGANTISSIMA ‘CASTOR’ False Aralia Flower Inconspicuous Fruit Black Berry
DIZYGOTHECA ELEGANTISSIMA ‘CASTOR’ False Aralia 7 - 10 leaflets mottled with white cv. ‘Castor’ has 3 leaflets
Horticulture I Week 6 Review
Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood
Cercis canadensis Redbud
Canna Canna
Betula nigra River Birch
Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum Wax Begonia
Euonymus alatus Winged Euonymus; Burning Bush