The curriculum The curricullum tells «What and how the learners should learn» at specific levels of the education system. It includes the objectives and the content of courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects, like norms and values. Mabula, N. (2012). Promoting Science Subjects Choices for Secondary School Students in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities. Academic research International 3 (3): 234-245
The curriculum Five different curricula (Goodlad) Ideal curriculum: the curriculum that is recommended by those who want to steer the direction of education Formal curriculum: the actual curriculum Perceived curriculum: the teacher's perceptions and interpretations of the formal curriculum Operational curriculum: The curriculum that is put into practice in the classroom. Experienced curriculum: the curriculum that is experienced by the students.
The curriculum The objectives of teaching Biology in Tanzania secondary schools are: To promote the development
The curriculum Discussions about the Tanzanian math curricullum: Learner-centred approach vs content-centred approach Language of instruction What about biology? Kajoro, P. (2015). Language Supportive Mathematics Textbooks and Pedagogy with less overloaded curriculum for sustainable mathematical literacy in Tanzania. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Education and Development, Sept 15-17 2015. UKFIET, University of Oxford
Form 1 Subtopic: Infections and diseases Spesific objectives:
Infections and diseases Prepare for the next lecture (Wednesday): A draft lesson plan for the first lesson about Infections and diseases
This will happen on Wednesday: [Person A + person B + person C] = 45 minutes A presents draft lesson plan to B and C 5 minutes B and C ask questions to A 5 minutes B gives positive comments to A + C gives positive comments to A 5 minutes Total for person A’s lessonplan + discussion 15 minutes
This will happen on Wednesday: [Person A + person B + person C] = 45 minutes A presents draft lesson plan to B and C 5 minutes B and C ask questions to A 5 minutes B gives positive comments to A + C gives positive comments to A 5 minutes Total for person A’s lessonplan + discussion 15 minutes B presents draft lesson plan to A and C 5 minutes And so on ……. total 15 minutes C presents draft lesson plan to A and B 5 minutes And so on ……. total 15 minutes