GGAR Tailgate Party Sponsored by the Programs Committee Cardinals vs Royals Wednesday, May 22, 2019 First Pitch at 12:15 p.m. Left Field Porch Seating near the Bowtie Bar GGAR Tailgate Party Sponsored by the Programs Committee Starts at 10:00 A.M. with Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips and More Come out and network with your GGAR Affiliate Business Partners We will be located near Kilroy's Sports Bar - 720 S. 7th Street ONLY $25 per ticket For GGAR Members, Family & Friends Face Value of $50.00 Tickets sold on a first come, first served basis Complete the Form and email it to Order early before they are gone! You will be notified when tickets are available for pick up Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Number of tickets: ________________________ Phone # __________________________ Office: ____________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________ Payment: Cash Check (payable to GGAR) (Am. Exp, MC, Visa, Discover) Credit Card Number: _______________________________________________Exp:__________ Card Billing Address:_________________________________________State___Zip Code:______