Root Words 3rd Quarter 11th Grade
Root Words spir sym tract trib vita vore ad
Root Words Spir Spirit, perspire, inspiration Sym symbol, symbiotic, symmetrical Tract tractor, subtract, abstract Trib tribute, attribute, retribution Vita vitamin, vitality Vore herbivore, insectivore, omnivore Ad admit, admonish, address
Root Words Spir breath Sym together Tract draw, pull Trib pay, give Vita alive, life Vore to eat Ad to, toward
Commonly Confused Words Review from Q2 imply: infer:
Commonly Confused Words imply: The manager implied that I was a bad risk. infer: I inferred from her comments she thought I was lazy.
Commonly Confused Words imply: a speaker suggests, to hint infer: a listener deduces, draws a conclusion from