Starter 11/28/17 Do you like your jewelry to be simple or elaborate? Do you like your clothing to be bright and colorful or more natural colors and blacks Draw a ring design that you would like to make (it is ok to look at ideas on your phone just don’t copy)
jewelry Making How to solder
Agenda Review of last time Take notes on how to solder safely and correctly Watch demo on how to solder Each of you will solder a ring band
Last time We finished and turned in our recycled jewelry If you did not finish last time you will need to finish during work time today You will have to still make sure your ring is done and soldered though. You may have to come in during study hall or after school to finish.
Soldering a Ring Cut the width and length of your ring band from sheet metal. Make sure the ends of the metal are completely flat This is required for the ends to be touching so they will solder together.
This will not solder!!!!!
Add flux to the area you will solder
Add solder to area and heat the metal underneath where you have the solder until solder melts
Clean up the solder seam so you don’t see it
Shape on ring mandrel until rounded
Clean up the surface of the ring by buffing and polishing
Demonstration Listen and observe as Mrs. Francesconi makes a ring band. You will each get a piece of sheet metal You will each file it clean and bend it so it touches You will each come up one at a time to solder your ring once you are ready. You will pass off that you soldered today Once done you will begin forming and cleaning your ring band.
Studio Time Finish your recycled jewelry first if you have not already Get your ring sheet metal and file it flat Bend it so it will sit flat together Line up to solder If you did not give Mrs. Francesconi your ring size you will have to cut it yourself with a saw Check your ring size on the chart and cut it to the size needed. Once done soldering shape and clean your ring band.