The game plan Rules of play Niina Timosaari 14th March, 2019
The Game Plan – Rules of Play 14.3.2019, Introduction to Doctoral Training Niina Timosaari
? The Game Plan – Rules of Play ADMISSION APPLICATION DOCTORAL TRAINING LIFE AFTER GRADUATION ? How to navigate through your doctoral studies?
Regulations that UniOGS take into account 1. European level development: Seven Principles of Innovative Doctoral Training 2. Finnish law: Universities Act Government Decree on University Degrees 3. University level regulations: the University of Oulu Rules of Procedure (yliopiston johtosääntö) = e.g. management and responsibility, qualification requirements the University of Oulu Education regulations (koulutuksen johtosääntö) = e.g. responsibilities on planning and implementation in education, admission, student enrolment, procedures concerning study attainments
What is a doctoral degree? A title that convinces other scientists that you: know your own field of research and its social significance; are able to independently and critically apply scientific research methods to generate new scientific knowledge; are conversant with the development, basic problems and research methods of your own field of research have gained such knowledge of the general theory of science and of other disciplines relating to your field, that you are able to follow developments in them; and have achieved adequate language and communication skills and other general skills to be a competent and versatile expert capable of demanding duties and international co-operation in working life Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004 and 1039/2013) ch. 5, § 21 Hi! I’m Joe Average. I have PhD in Economics.
What is a doctoral degree? To be awarded a doctorate, the student must: complete the required postgraduate studies; demonstrate independent and critical thinking in the field of research; and write a doctoral dissertation and defend it in public. Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004 and 1039/2013) ch. 5, § 22 What is a doctoral degree?
In the University of Oulu … doctoral thesis can be a compilation of published research articles and manuscripts and a summary based on these, or it can be a monograph compilation-based thesis is per se based on international (or in some fields national) peer reviewed scientific publications, which have appeared or have been accepted for publication doctoral thesis may contain joint publications or manuscripts, if the independent contribution of the doctoral student can be clearly demonstrated 8 What is a doctoral dissertation? = evidence that the doctoral student can independently and critically apply scientific research methods and generate new scientific knowledge
UniOGS: Doctoral training programme RESEARCH (& publication of results) THESIS AND PUBLIC DEFENCE RESEARCH GENERAL &TRANSFERABLE SKILLS TOTAL 20 – 50 ECTS cr depending on Doctoral Degree Program STUDIES FIELD-SPECIFIC STUDIES TEACHING (optional) Human sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Health Sciences, Dentistry, Medicine Economics & business administration rest are something between 10 % 20 %
Time-line of your doctoral training graduation year ???? YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 admission (= doctoral study rights) Doctoral training should be defined in a way that the doctoral degree can be completed within a time equivalent to four years of full-time studies. application
1st year acceptance of the Doctoral Training Plan (DTP) = tohtorikoulutussuunnitelma 1. Nominate your Follow-up group form ( send to your UniOGS coordinator 2. Write your Doctoral Training Plan (DTP) = research plan + study plan (PSP/HOPS) + career plan 3. Have your 1st follow-up group (FUG) meeting When? At the end of the first year What? Student presenting DTP & progress in research and studies follow-up group requires changes to DTP / recommends acceptance of DTP FUG chair sends a report + DTP to UniOGS you send your PSP for approval 4. Acceptance of your DTP in Doctoral Training Committee meeting (3 ECTS; 920012J) + Research & studies (Introduction to Doctoral Training & Scientific Research and Ethics) Follow-up group = Chair + 1-2 members
Doctoral Training Plan (DTP) = your personal game strategy! The DTP can be one of the most useful tools for keeping you and your training on track. Written for you, your supervisory team and your follow-up group. Enhance your skills in writing funding applications! A living document that needs updating ( for each FUG meeting) Instructions how to write the DTP: Doctoral Training Plan Instructions
Doctoral Training Plan (DTP) = research plan + study plan (PSP/HOPS) + career plan The Research Plan e.g. following Finnish Academy guidelines ( Doctoral Training Plan Instructions) Abstract ( 1 page max.) 1. Rationale (background, introduction) 2. Objectives and expected results 3. Research methods and material 4. Ethical issues (if relevant) 5. Implementation: schedule of research and studies, distribution of work, and funding plan 6. Research team, supervision, and collaboration (incl. mobility) Key literature / bibliography B. The Study Plan, Oodi-PSP C. The Career Plan part of the research plan or presented separately for FUG
2nd year mid-point of doctoral training Research & studies + conferences, research visits? Update your Doctoral Training Plan (research plan, PSP, career plan) Organize your second follow-up group meeting When? At the end of the 2nd year What? Student presenting updated DTP & progress in research and studies & plan for the next year FUG chair sends a report to UniOGS Mid-term report (0 ECTS; 920014J) Ok. Now I’m starting to get an idea how things are working out...
3rd year agreeing upon the end-process in the end of 3rd year Research (& studies) + conferences, research visits? Update your DTP (research plan, PSP, career plan) Organize your third follow-up group meeting When? At the end of the 3rd year (= approx. one year before the defense) What? Student presenting updated DTP & progress in research and studies & plans for getting the work ready & discussion about pre- examiners and opponent(s) Statement on student’s state of readiness FUG chair sends a report to UniOGS Follow-up Group reporting and meetings (1 ECTS; 920007J) / Additional report (0 ECTS; 920025J) In the not-too-distant future, you will come face-to-face with your future. Be ready for it!
4th year sending the thesis manuscript for pre-examination Finalizing research & thesis Nomination of pre-examiners, pre- examination Permission to publish, naming the opponent(s) & custos Public defense The length of the end-process c. 6 months More information: Instructions and forms for the end-process Towards doctoral degree -info by UniOGS (every spring) 4th year sending the thesis manuscript for pre-examination I did it!
Doctoral training programme – 4 years (of fulltime studies) DOCTORAL DEGREE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 studies, research Admission study rights follow-up group First report end of 1st year full doctoral training plan Mid-term report end of 2nd year Final report end of 3rd year defence expected within a year End-process nominating the pre-examiners pre-examination permission to publish nominating the opponent printing public defence Application 2 call periods / year Annual progress report & follow-up group meeting Preparations in advance Commitment of principal supervisor and faculty research plan outline …research, studies, conferences, research visits…
What if my work is not going to be ready within 4 years? ”Four years” = 4 yrs of effective (full-time) training Year number X: Research & studies + conferences, research visits? Follow-up group meetings Additional report (0 ECTS; 920025J) Other work? Parental leave? Breaks in funding? Sickness…* Why not?! Passive register! (University of Oulu Education Regulations, 4/2016, §9 Student enrolment) A doctoral student’s study right is declared passive if the student has no study attainments during the past two consecutive academic years, or if the student has enrolled as absent, or neglected to register to the University, for the past two academic years. * or problems e.g. in supervising? talk with your follow-up group!
Doctoral studies (total 20-50 ECTS cr) 8 ECTS obligatory study requirements GENERAL & TRANSFERABLE SKILLS STUDIES, max 20% of total Obligatory studies: Introduction to Doctoral Training (1 credit), Scientific Research and Ethics (2 credits), Follow-up group reporting & meetings (1 credit) FIELD-SPECIFIC STUDIES 12 – 42 cr depending on Doctoral Degree Program Courses that help you to do research Talk with your supervisor! Post-graduate or advanced courses (with J- or S- included in the WebOodi course code) Organized by Degree programme and Doctoral Programme TOTAL 20 – 50 ECTS credits depending on Doctoral Degree Program STUDIES FIELD-SPECIFIC STUDIES, min 60% of total Obligatory studies: Doctoral training plan (DTP; 3 credits) & seminar (1 credit) TEACHING (optional), max 20% of total TEACHING Depending on the major, a doctoral student may include teaching in his/her degree. Prerequisite: University Pedagogy for doctoral students –course (2 cr)!
Optional general and transferable skills courses For example: Basics of university pedagogics for doctoral students Information skills for doctoral students Utilization of patent databases in research IP rights and research Scientific communication Working life guidance skills and leadership Project management Entrepreneuring studies Mentoring programme + University of Oulu Staff Training It’s about the skills, not the degree! Strengthen your weak spots or learn new skills. Be selfish! Take what you need to develop your future career. Stop counting credits. More information from: PhD mailing list WebOodi
Codes used for showing the progress of your research in WebOodi Nomination of follow-up group (0 cr) First Follow-up group meeting (0 cr) Midterm report of Doctoral Training (0 cr) Additional report (0 cr) Pre-examination (0 cr) Permission to defend the thesis (0 cr) Acceptance & Grading of the Thesis (0 cr) Passive register! (University of Oulu Education Regulations, 4/2016, §9 Student enrolment) A doctoral student’s study right is declared passive if the student has no study attainments during the past two consecutive academic years, or if the student has enrolled as absent, or neglected to register to the University, for the past two academic years.
Forthcoming UniOGS courses: 920016J IP Rights and Research (0.5 op) 26.3.-27.3.2019 920011J Communicating Science to the Media, General Public and Decision Makers (1 op) 2.4–9.4.2019 920024J Working Life Guidance Skills and Leadership, part II (3op) 21.3.-9.5.19 920003J Tieteellinen tieto tutkimusprosessissa (1 op) 8.4.-20.5.2019 920013J Utilization of Patent Databases in research (0.5 op) 9.5.2019