WELCOME RECEPTION: June 20 th, 2008 WE ARE HERE Conference venue Underground Cidade Universitária
WELCOME RECEPTION: June 20 th, 2008 WE ARE HERE Conference venue WELCOME RECEPTION MUSEU DA CIDADE BE THERE AT 19h30 Underground Campo Grande Underground Cidade Universitária Underground Entre Campos
WELCOME RECEPTION MUSEU DA CIDADE Palácio Pimenta Palácio Pimenta BE THERE AT 19h30 Address: Campo Grande, 245, Lisboa Tel: BUS: 1, 3, 7, 33, 36, 47, 50, 68, 85, 101, 108 Underground: Campo Grande WELCOME RECEPTION: June 20 th, 2008
CONFERENCE DINNER: June 21 st, 2008 WE ARE HERE Conference venue BUS to Conference Dinner In front of the Hospital BE THERE AT 19h30
CONFERENCE DINNER: June 21 st, 2008 Address: Alameda Hermano Patrone, Jardim de Algés, 1495 Oeiras Tel: CONFERENCE DINNER BUS will take you back to the Hospital at 23h00