Anthropology Conversation
What Conversations Means to Anthropology Conservation is way of understanding the culture The more you know the language the more you understand the culture Ethnographers are also constantly questioning people about what or who they observe
Stages of Learning the Language in the Field There are several stages of learning languages in the field First stage of learning the language is constantly asking what things are and who other people and their official titles After asking simple questions the next step would be to pose more complex questions
Learning Con. After complex questions understanding a simple conversation between two villagers would be the next step If skills are adequate then understanding a rapid fire public conversation or group discussions would be After
Extra’s Through language the ability to record special events of political and social importance or basic notes on the culture around them can be recorded Is used to provides a basic census on the information of the village Help creates interviews and questionnaires
Words to know Liturgies: set of formal sequence or words or actions Interview schedule : Is when the anthropologist sets up an interview with an informant face to face and writes down answers