A. Thermodynamics B. Kinetics and Transport WCI-3 Statements of Science Issues that scientists outside our field should care about. All of these issues are old. While much has been written on all these issues, a) clear wisdom is not widely known and b) this wisdom has not been clearly presented to (or by?) other communities. I have tried to present these issues in cross-disciplinary language. A. THINK OF THESE “ISSUES” AS DEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR TITLES: seminars titles designed to attract molecular/atomic/nuclear scientists B. THINK OF THESE AS BULLETS IN AN INTRODUCTION TO A BOOK: a book that has the potential to convince others our enterprise is of value. A. Thermodynamics B. Kinetics and Transport
A. Thermodynamics 1. Definition of the nuclear Equation of State (EoS) for symmetric and asymmetric NM. 2. How can S.M. describe the bizarre, finite time, “phase” or clustered behavior of small systems ? 3. Constructing a DFT description of “Drop/cluster” density of states and FE. a) Medium correlations fxn(E*)? b) Value of a FE leptodermous expansion & term identification of: V, S, Cur, Coul, δ, Clus. 4. Extracting thermodynamics of mesoscopic One-Component Plasmas - OCPs ? 5. Mesoscopic thermometry: a) “Internal frag.” vs “External frag.” T’s, b) “fuse” thermometers, and c) consistency 6. The thermodynamics of event ensembles. Comparison of the infinite system phase coexistence to the parallel existence in the bimodal distribution of an order parameter for an ensemble of finite system replicas.
2. Kinetics with no time-scale separation but many DOF’s. B. Kinetics and Transport 1. Atomistic description of the “out-of-equilibrium effects” of nucleation and spinodal separation. 2. Kinetics with no time-scale separation but many DOF’s. Greater truth extraction from dynamical “Transition-state sampling”. 3. Influence of initial medium correlations (“clusters”) on kinetics. 4. a) Decay of non-collectively expanding hot nuclear drops and b) Decay of collectively expanding hot nuclear drops. 5. Towards true quantum dynamics for Fermions. 6. Two-component fractionation/distillation in finite quantum systems.