News you can use from the 2 Live Crew 2nd grade August Newsletter School Supplies 4 Glue sticks 1 box of crayons (24 count) 4 Dry Erase Markers 4 Spiral notebooks 1 pack of loose leaf – wide ruled paper 1 pack of erasers (pencil tops) 4 folders (with prongs) Scissors 24 pencils 1 box of tissues Welcome to 2nd grade Introducing Our Team! Ms. Shoffner Ms. Williams Mrs. Allred Mrs. Figueroa Mr. Pettress Save the dates August 27, 2018 – First Day of School September 3, 2018 – NO SCHOOL - Holiday Contact Information: Mrs. Leslie Allred Phone: 336- 370-8150 email: Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way © 2015