Manuel Losada Friend 2º Foro TIC y Sostenibilidad Sevilla, 27 de Mayo de 2009
The Time is Right Aging Infra- Structure/ Workforce Climate Change Efficiency and Reliability Demand Growth Regulatory Isolated Systems Industry Emerging Technology Renewable Energy Aging Infras- Structure "a new smart grid... will save us money, protect our power sources from blackout or attack, and deliver clean, alternative forms of energy..." you are literally going to see an energy revolution. The modernization of the nations electricity grid system has to be an integral part of this. 2 Mr. Barack Obama President of the United States Mr. Steven Chu United States Energy Secretary Mr. Ken Salazar United States Secretary of Internal Issues
Critical area Smart Grid Software Distributed generators Smart grid Network automation Large scale IT control systems System capacity Load increase System capacity with Smart Grid Software Load increase vs power system capacity Radical increase in market pressure to develop Smart IT control system New Power Grid Challenge 3
59% 41% Smart Grid Funding Breakdown $6.5 B Transmission for Western Area Power Authority and Bonneville Power Authority Transmission improvements Hydro-electricity Total Stimulus $11B $4.5 B for Smart Grid Grants to improve the reliability and efficiency of the grid $100,000,000 for Worker Training $80,000,000 for Regional Transmission Planning $10,000,000 for NIST Interoperability $4.18B for Smart Grid defined by EISA Section 1304 and 1306
The Smart Grid: A Definition 1.Highly automated and interconnected intelligent electricity delivery system Through which energy suppliers and consumers are interconnected in a network 2.Implementing a bi-directional information network that parallels the electrical one Transitioning from a commodity broadcast delivery to a two way information highway 3.Leveraging information to support the delivery of electricity reliably and at the lowest possible cost With adequate (real or near-real time) response to add significant operational value Bringing the Smart Grid Home; EEI
Two Parallel, Integrated Networks Generation Transmission/ Subtransmission Substation Distribution AGC EMS Energy Trading SCADA OMS/DMS DAAMI Digital Network 6
Virtual generation (reduced requirements) Distributed generation Smart Operations Enhanced system reliability Improved network security Smart Grid Business Value Use Cases AMI Meter Data Mgmt Meter Ops. Mgmt. Smart Metering Smart Customer Choice (Behavior and Interaction) Metering Ops Improvements Load Manage- ment Smart Networks 7
Telvent Smart Grid Solutions Architecture SCADA EnterpriseGISEnterpriseGISOutageMgmtOutageMgmt DistributionMgmtDistributionMgmt AMIAMI Titanium OASyS ArcFM Solution Responder DMS Enterprise Integration RealTime Integration Meeting a Focused Business Need Integration is a Key Differentiator 8
9 TELVENT IT for a Sustainable and Secure World Who owns the future?