1st May 2012 LO: - Make links between the poems A Cockroach and Summer Farm. - Plan and write a response to a sample examination question.
Starter The Cock Roach Summer Farm Similarities: Narrative and Theme: Structure & poetic Devices: Differences: Narrative and Theme: Structure & poetic Devices :
Sample Examination Question Q: In what ways can the poems The Cockroach and Summer Farm be seen to share a common theme of human contemplation and identity? How do these poems explore these issues?
Planning Look back at your notes on the “starter” activity. Generally, EVERY response on your Literature paper will follow this structure: Intro: There are different ways that you could use these paragraphs to explore the question. Example: Point #1 The Narrative and structure of S’ Farm Point #2 The Narrative and structure of “Cockroach” Point #3 The slight difference in the overall meaning of each poem Conclusion:
Or… Intro: Point #1 Point #2 Point #3 Conclusion: Overall Narrative and Theme of S’ Farm Point #2 Overall Narrative and Theme of “Cockroach” Point #3 Differences in each poems structure/poetic devices Conclusion:
Or… Intro: Point #1 Point #2 Point #3 Conclusion: Narrative and major poetic devices of SF Point #2 Narrative and major poetic devices of Cockroach Point #3 The slight difference in the overall meaning of each poem Conclusion:
Or… Intro: Devise your own… Point #1 Point #2 Point #3 Conclusion:
Marking These are the only guidelines given in the syllabus for the Literature exam: We will look at this more next lesson. Just take note of it for now…