Created for CVCA Physics A Laboratory Report Created for CVCA Physics By Dick Heckathorn 27 August 2K+3
A. Identification Information Must include: 1. Name of Person Writing Report 2. Name of Partner(s) 3. Date Due 4. Date Submitted.
Must properly identify the B. Title Must properly identify the investigation.
C. Purpose 1. Must clearly state the purpose of the investigation. It must contain nothing else. Must use complete sentences. Must use proper English, spelling, punctuation and capitalization, etc Will be read by your instructor first.
Be sure to list the number of D. Apparatus Be sure to list the number of apparatus used.
E. Procedures 1. Must be completed before day of investigation. 2. May be requested by instructor before you can begin the investigation. 3. Do not need to recopy for write-up. Can be an add-on to the write-up.
F. Data 1. Includes both obtained and calculated numerical information. 2. Must be in concise table form. 3. Rows and columns must be properly labeled. 4. Only list unit(s) in column heading. 5. Information must be easily interpreted.
F. Conclusion 1. A conclusion contains only an answer to the purpose statement. 2. The answer must be based on information obtained. 3. It must not contain: a. What you think! b. What the book says! etc.
F. Comments This is optional. You may include relevant comments that could not be included elsewhere.
G. Appearance If handwritten, it must be done in pencil and easily read. It may be typed using a computer. It must be pleasing to the eye. Use proper margins and white spaces.
G. Miscellaneous The write-up is due at the beginning of class the 2nd day after the in-class investigation is completed. If returned as unsatisfactory, it must be corrected and turned in at the beginning of class the next day.
G. Miscellaneous Corrections must be on a separate piece of paper(s) and stapled on top of the original work. The title and identification information must be at the beginning of the corrected material.
G. Miscellaneous If handed in late due to absence, so indicate under the identification information.