NHS Meeting November 8, 2018
President/Vice President Leadership change Please tutor at least once every two weeks and sign in on the board before you walk in Tuesday and Wednesday after school in Mrs. Butun’s room Thursday and Friday at lunch in Mrs. Butun’s room ELL tutoring
Secretary Upcoming Events: Manatee Honor Society Soccer Scholar Bowl Debate Let It Snow: Snowfest
Treasurer Dues Tshirts Please have them turned in by Thanksgiving break (November 20) Juniors- $40 Seniors- $55 Unpaid dues will result in dismissal from NHS Old members MUST pay dues Tshirts Have money turned in by November 14 (next Wednesday) for the first order Anyone who has not turned in money will not get a shirt until a second order is placed $10 shirt $ is not included in dues If you have any financial issues you must speak to an officer ASAP in order to receive extensions
Parliamentarians Semester One Hours Hours are updated every Monday 20 hours before December 21st Hours are updated every Monday Go to https://lhsnhs.weebly.com/ Upcoming events: sign up Scott: Senior parliamentarian Miranda: Junior parliamentarian Send photos for hours through Remind 1 photo = .25 hours Up to 2 hours (8 photos) - Donate cans to Mrs. Butun for hours - 10 cans = 1 hour - Up to 30 cans (3 hours)
Discipline Warning: first t-shirt offense, first time not showing up to tutoring, etc Strike: inappropriate conduct, first time not showing up to an event, not showing up to tutoring over 2 weeks, not showing up to a meeting without telling us, etc