6th Grade ELA Unit 2 Lesson 2 Thursday, September 14, 2017
Do Now Based on the text, “Myths and Legends,” how are gods like humans? How are they different from humans? Explain
Daily Report Date September 14, 2017 Objectives Agenda Do Now Do Now Review Objective Review Myth of Cronus Read Aloud Close Reading Closure Homework - Read Chp. 11 Objectives • I can use details from images to make predictions about the myth of Cronus. • I can get the gist of the myth of Cronus. 3
Do Now Review Based on the text, “Myths and Legends,” how are gods like humans? How are they different from humans? Explain
Remember our Objective • I can use details from images to make predictions about the myth of Cronus. • I can get the gist of the myth of Cronus.
Moving On… S L A N T
I Notice / I Wonder
I Notice / I Wonder
Prediction A prediction is an educated guess about what will come next, based on specific details from the text. It is one kind of inference. • On an index card, respond to this question: * “Based on what you noticed and wondered about the illustrations, what is one prediction you have about the myth of Cronus?” Share Out * “What specific details in the illustrations led you to make your prediction?”
Moving On… S L A N T
Reading Closely “What strategies have you found most useful as you’ve been learning to read closely? Why?” During Unit 1, you figured out a lot of the “things close readers do.” But there are more! In this unit, you will continue to identify and practice more strategies readers use to read a text closely and understand it fully.
We will focus on the Approaching Texts Section first What do you notice? What do you wonder?
Paraphrase - the reader restates information in his or her own words Paraphrase - the reader restates information in his or her own words. A paraphrase is simply putting the author’s words in your own simpler words. Write your own paraphase of the Approaching the Text section on the lines provided.
Moving On… S L A N T
Get the Gist-The Myth of Cronus Read the text independently for gist. Jot the gist in the margin of the text as you go. Partner Share: Share your annotations with one another.
Exit Ticket: “Myth of Cronus” Which statement below best expresses Cronus’ motivation for swallowing his children? A. Cronus liked being the Lord of the Universe. B. Cronus loved his wife, Rhea, and feared that one of his children would harm her. C. Cronus was afraid that one of his children would become more powerful than he was. D. Cronus was being punished by Mother Earth.