THE RICHARD CROSSE PTA Treasurer Report 2018 Supporting the school in providing a fun and enriching environment for pupils to learn
PTA Monies Raised Summary 2018 During 2018, we have hosted a number of fundraising events which through your generosity raised £7116 during the year Our bank balance as @ 31 December is £6050 £7116 £509 £2000 59 Club Chocolate Bingo School Play Photos & DVDs Summer Fayre & KB Show 2 Discos Big Breakfast Christmas Cards & Fayre KB Society Donation Other Other include sports day, donation from KB society funding, raffles LY was £4811 £985 £525 £360 £892 £397 £313 £1135
PTA Monies Spent Summary 2018 These fundraising efforts and the healthy bank balance has allowed us to contribute to much needed resources for the school We have also paid out £690 in prize money for the 59 club (net of redonations back to the PTA) We continue to liaise with the teachers to ensure the monies raised are directed to the most needed resources however we would like to hear more input from Parents on fundraisers and allocation of funds so please get involved! £125 Licences & Memberships £76 Classroom resources £1500 Minibus Contribution £5040 Laptops £100 Charitable donation EOY Photos £237 Y6 Leavers Gifts £945 Pantomime £8123
Upcoming Events To Look Out For in 2019… Planned Fundraisers 59 Club Commenced Big Breakfast 9th March Disco 29th March Future Fundraisers Chocolate Bingo Summer Fayre Kings Bromley Show