On a full sheet of paper, make a map showing your route from home to school. Add as much detail as you can, and try to approximate the relative distances as best you can in the way you scale it. Add an alternate route to your map. How do you get here?
On the Go A Universe in MOTION
? Mystery Bags When instructed, take the item out of the bag. Use the whiteboard to record all the types of MOTION you observe for your item. Describe each type of motion as best you can, using diagrams if necessary. ? Mystery Bags
As you listen to classmates share out types of MOTION for their items, do you hear commonalities? Can we generate some categories for types of MOTION? Categories?
When your item is sitting on the desk, is it in MOTION? A Question…
What is MOTION? Generate a definition with your partner. Based on the definition, what do we need to be able to measure to quantify motion? What is MOTION?
But at this moment I’m sitting on a piece of Earth at 34°30’ North, which means I’m spinning west to east at a rate of about 860 miles an hour. At the equator, because of the larger bulge, 1,040. At the same time, my Earth is moving through its orbit around the Sun at 66,661 miles an hour, and my Sun is carrying itself and its planets toward the star Vega at something like 31,000 mile an hour. Our Sun and Vega move around the galaxy at the blinding speed of 700,000 miles per hour, and the Galaxy itself rotates at 559,350 miles an hour. And that’s not all. Our Galaxy moves in relation to all other galaxies as they rush through the universe at a speed of better than 1,000,000 miles an hour. So when I sit here absolutely still I’m moving in six wildly different directions at an accumulated speed of …(he could not add the figures in his head) maybe two and a half million miles an hour. So I can never be motionless. I’m traveling always at speeds which are incomprehensible. And its all happening in real time. - James Michener, Space A quotation…