Your friends parents offer to pay for your college, do you take the money? Once you graduate do you feel like you owe them something in return?
How do Congressmen win the election What is a political campaign? Does more money mean you will win? Does where the money come from matter?
How do Congressmen win the election What is a political campaign? Does more money mean you will win? Does where the money come from matter?
What is a political campaign? What it is What is the goal How does it achieve that goal
What is a political campaign? What it is What is the goal How does it achieve that goal
What it is? Tim is running for class president he put posters up on the wall promoting himself and smearing Jill his opponent.
What it is? Jill is running for class president she gets all her friends to put posters up on the wall that trash the other people running for class president.
What it is? A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group.
What is a political campaign? What it is What is the goal How does it achieve that goal
What is the goal? A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group. What is the goal of most political campaigns?
What is the goal?
What is a political campaign? What it is What is the goal How does it achieve that goal
How does it achieve that goal A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group.
Shoulder Partner What are 2 examples of political campaigns? Why do they fit the bill? If you were going to campaign for class president what would be your campaign strategy?
How do Congressmen win the election What is a political campaign? Does more money mean you will win? Does where the money come from matter?
Does more money mean you’ll win? Is a political campaign expensive? The average winner in the senate in 2010 spent 10 million dollars
Does more money mean you will win? What role does money play a role in an election?
How do Congressmen win the election What is a political campaign? Does more money mean you will win? Does where the money come from matter?
Where does the money come from? US house of Reps Candice Miller List of Donors