Soap Surprise 1. What question are we looking at today? “What will happen to a bar of Ivory soap if it is heated in a microwave for 1 minute?” *You just identified the question/problem.
Answer: Do some research! What information might we want to look up? 2. If we wanted to learn more about the main topics of our question, what could we do? Answer: Do some research! What information might we want to look up? *You just brainstormed about collecting information about our question.
3. What do you think will happen to the soap? (write down what you think) *You just made a hypothesis about our question.
4. What can we do to test our hypothesis? Answer: Do an experiment! What should the steps be to test our hypothesis? 1. Plug in the microwave. 2. Unwrap a bar of ivory soap. 3. Place the bar of soap on a plate. 4. Put the plate and soap in the microwave. 5. Set the microwave for 1 min. 6. Press start and observe what happens. *We just designed an experiment to test all of our hypotheses.
1. What did the soap look like and how did it change? 5. Describe what happened to the soap during our experiment (use complete sentences and thoughts). Make sure to include lots of details. **possible details: 1. What did the soap look like and how did it change? 2. Did you notice any smells? 3. What did it feel like after? *You just made observations in the experiment, which is called analyzing and recording data.
*You just made a conclusion about your hypothesis. 6. Now compare the results of the experiment to your hypothesis. You should always restate your hypothesis and talk about what data you recorded from the experiment in your comparison. (fill in the outline given to you for how to write a good conclusion) *You just made a conclusion about your hypothesis.
7. What new questions do you have after completing our experiment? (write down at least two questions) *You just started a discussion based on the results of your experiment. A discussion can take on many forms and involve lots of different questions.