Biography minimum of 3 paragraphs 1. Early childhood a. milestones b Biography minimum of 3 paragraphs 1. Early childhood a. milestones b. what type of activities involved i c. sports d. friends e. funny stories
2. Family a. Brothers or sisters b. Family vacations c 2. Family a. Brothers or sisters b. Family vacations c. Memories of family trips or activities
3. School a. What elementary school attended b 3. School a. What elementary school attended b. Stories of school activities c. memorable moments d. High school e. What do you remember most f. College-where and major
4. Career a. What do you do b. Why did he/she choose this field c 4. Career a. What do you do b. Why did he/she choose this field c. who does it benefit d. does he/she enjoy their job e. why or why not
5. Your family a. When did your child get married. b 5. Your family a. When did your child get married? b. To whom did he/she marry c. how long did they know each other before getting married. d. where did they get married e. do they have children f. how many and what ages, gender and names. g. where do they live.