By: Nina Richards, Esteban A Florian Period 3 Medieval Manor By: Nina Richards, Esteban A Florian Period 3
who had mannors? wealthy at or near the top of the feudal system Lords/Vassels reflected the wealth of the Lord/Vassle aquired through a feif
feudal relationships King Lords (vassles) those who could own mannors Knights (vassles) Peasants/Surfs
what did mannors consist of? 3 feilds medow (for meat to be raised) usually by a river village 1200-1800 achres
Advantages of the New Field System only 1/3 farmland was fallow big increase in productivity less wasted food caused population increase fertilized with manuor
Other Blacksmith Barn Church Priest house
what did mannors look like? nateral stone durrable reasonably small biggest biulding after castles & catheidrals size reflected the wealth of the Lord
GIVE AND TAKE! what jobs did the Lord do? set up taxes make dissisions about punnishments & issues set up laws serve King by appearing in his court or serving in battle loyalty to king military aid (Knights) what did the lord get in return? money portions of each yeild loyalty army (Knights) peasants to work land after death it would be inherited
Ye End p.s.- vote YES on prop 100. . .spread it.